The Deeply Formed Life

A Small Group Book Club

The troubling reality is that believers can be deeply committed to being Christian without ever being deeply formed by Christ.

Rich Villodas

What might it look like if being a Christian was more than a brand, a party preference, or reserved time on our calendar? What if it did more than alter how we present ourselves to the world but shaped our innermost being? In this book we will explore formational concepts and practices that lead to a deeper Christian life.

New Hope Community Church in Aptos, CA will be hosting small groups starting in January 2023 that will be reading and discussing this book together. You are welcome to join one these small groups or start your own.


Reading this book on your own can be informative and encouraging. Follow along with our discussion questions to further your own reflections.

Small Groups

We can get so much out of a book by reading and discussing together. This can be great opportunity to wrestle with the material and get more out of it.


The schedule and discussion questions will be posted each week and are freely available. Other churches are welcome to participate with us.


Each week the small group will meet and discuss a section from the book, Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas. A single chapter be the focus of conversation each week.





The Deeply Formed Life

We will be discussing a chapter from the book each week. Grab a copy and read the chapter before gathering. You can get a copy of this book in your preferred format from a number of booksellers and maybe even your local library.

Discussion Guide

Each week's small group will follow the discussion guide eBook. You can purchase your own copy from the author's website under "Additional Resources".

Interested in Joining a Small Group

Interested in joining a small group hosted by New Hope Community Church in Aptos, CA?

Keep the conversation going on social media using the hashtags: